PCRP Board of Directors for 2023 to 2025
No. | Name | Role | Company | Email Address | Mobile |
1 | Erin Tiu | Incumbent PCRP BOD/ Associate Manager | CMIC | erinong-tiu@cmicgroup.com | 0917 504 9346 |
2 | Maria Rosario Mislang | Country Head | PPD | maria.mislang@ppd.com | 0917 809 8767 |
3 | Zohra Jane Esperal, MSc, MA, PMP® | Line Manager, Clinical Functional Service Partnerships (Clinical FSP); IQVIA Partner Site Manager; Manager, Clinical Operations | IQVIA | zohrajane.esperal@iqvia.com | 0917 512 4336 |
4 | Jeannette Go | Vice President, Life Sciences – Operations | Shearwater Health | jfgo@swhealth.com | 0998 550 5063 |
5 | Maria Esther Mallari | Regulatory Affairs Manager | ICON | memallari0306@gmail.com | 0917 832 8454 |
6 | Rhys Jansen Pavon | Incumbent PCRP BOD/ FSP Manager | Parexel | Rhys.Pavon@parexel.com | 0917 838 8262 |
7 | Al Ryan Baniqued | Associate Director, Clinical Operations/ Country Head / GMBA | Parexel | AlRyan.Baniqued@parexel.com | 0917 869 2287 |
8 | Karen Ann Marie Dela Cruz | Senior CRA | IQVIA | karenannmariedela.cruz@iqvia.com | 0917 507 8492 |
9 | Paolo Abrihan | Local Study Associate Director | AstraZeneca | paolo.abrihan@astrazeneca.com | 0917 106 8427 |
10 | Beverly Red De Leon | Market – Country Lead | Zuellig | bdeleon@zuelligpharma.com | 0998 961 7996 |
11 | Maria Teresita Reyes | Associate Manager | Novotech | mariateresita.reyes@novotech-cro.com | 0917 179 9529 |

PCRP Officers for 2023 to 2025
Dear PCRP Members,
It is my pleasure to announce the new officers for 2021 to 2023:
President | Phillip Sayo |
Vice-President | Adrian Nolasco |
Secretary | Erin Tiu |
Treasurer | Anna Marie “Joy” Villaflor |
PRO | Rhys Pavon |
Auditor | Ma. Joy Ilagan De Rama |
Committee Chairpersons:
Scientific Committee Chairwoman | Maria Luisa “Lulu” Abner |
Policy Making Committee Chairman | Phillip Sayo |
Ways and Means Committee Chairwoman | Priscila “Lila” Perez |
Organization Development Committee Chairwoman | Mary Anne “Meo” Osorio |
Ethics Committee Chairwoman | Mary Anne “Meo” Osorio |
Congratulations and may your term bring more heights for PCRP!
At this juncture I would like to thank the past presidents, PCRP members and industry friends for the valuable contributions to the organization during our term. The outgoing board is leaving with a stronger PCRP; 232 members and recognition from our key stakeholders, amidst the pandemic. I am profoundly grateful to the outgoing board for their passion, commitment and most importantly the friendship throughout our term.
Sincerely yours,
Rodmar C. Pulido
Outgoing PCRP President

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